quinta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2011

"Igualdade gay" é um perigo para a saúde pública

"If anyone should be covered by equality laws, it should be the receiver of the blood, not the donor. There has never been any suggestion that blood transfusions have ever been withheld on grounds of race, sex, disability or sexual orientation, and rightly so. 
The ‘product’ or ‘service’ provided by the National Blood Service is, well, blood. Who is the beneficiary? It is the patient in need of a transfusion, not the donor. This is, of course, common sense. And it wasn’t an issue until the sexual orientation regulations of 2007 were introduced. 
After lobbying by homosexual campaigners, we have now arrived at a situation where homosexuals have the right to donate blood regardless of the increased medical risks. This is the Alice-in-wonderland world of the equality agenda."

Comment: blood donation rules changed for equality’s sake | News | The Christian Institute:

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